Fees cover training as per our age appropriate program schedule; Registration dues and entry fees for
Leagues and up to 3 Tournaments per playing year; Uniforms, Travel and accommodation for Tournaments/Games
that may require an overnight stay.
Yes. We have several different options for payment. Please contact our registrar to discuss payment
FC Blazers is a not for profit entity with limited sources of funding outside of fundraising. There is a
amount of money available for players who qualify for financial assistance. Players first have to be
to play
on a team, complete the financial aid application, then submit the required documentation by the stated
deadline in
order to avail of any scholarship money.
Yes. We require that all players participate in our annual fundraising activities. It is our expectation
players “opt out” of fundraising responsibilities, a donation in lieu of participation would be made in
support those players who are in need of financial assistance.
To the extent that it is possible for us to do so, Yes. All of our coaches are qualified and passionate
and playing soccer. While we cannot completely guarantee that your child will get the coach of his or her
choice, you
can be confident that the coach will inspire and motivate your player.
FC Blazers teams play at the highest competitive level that the Director of Coaching selects based on the
League/Tournament Division and/or the team profile.
With some rare exceptions, FC Blazers stick to a policy of One Team per Age Group. Therefore it is
son/daughter will be moved off a team.
The Director of Coaching, along with the team coach makes the decision as to where each player is better
suited to
play in order to promote the development of each individual player.
Once a parent-manager has been assigned to a team, you will be contacted. Our managers are well supported
access to whatever technology is needed to manage team events and activities.
Training runs for 90 minutes. Players are expected to arrive at the field at least 15 minutes prior to
start of
It is expected that players attend all training sessions even if they are unable to participate. Our
structure and drills constantly change and players who are unable to participate should observe and learn.
Players who are unable to attend a training session must let their manager know in advance.
FC Blazers have a specialized goalkeeping program which runs in tandem with our other training sessions.
Because we know our players better! As a small club, our coaches know the names of each of our players
and work collectivly to ensure player growth.
Our program is all about developing players to work as a team; to play to the best of their ability and
themselves both on and off the field. Winning is the end result of good teamwork.
Our training sessions vary constantly but are always focused, organized, structured and challenging both
mentally and
Players are required to be on the field 30 minutes prior to the start of a game.